Sunday, 10. January 2016
Little feedback
Hey guys! :)

Finally, we ended our investigations and we received good insights into the world of sport in connection with integration.
Until now every questioned person thinks, that sports can be very suitable for integration, because the love for sports counts and not the origin.
Team spirit leads to integration because mutual support and solidarity are part of it.
Jana and I share the opinion, that sports is one of the best methods to integrate people with a migration background.
Nevertheless, it's important that people also want to integrate themselfes and become part of the team.
Above all, sports is very suitable if you want to integrate refugees, as you can see in our entries and it can be a good start into their new period of life.
It also can make them feel home, because sports is independent of the country and the rules are the same, so that the refugees got something they've mastered, when even communicating doesn't work anymore.
We look forward to collect more information, insights and experiences!

yours Lea :)

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Hey guys :)
You made a really good job with this blog!
I agree with 100% that sport is the best way to integrate people with other origins. I myself played over ten years volleyball and I can say that team sport leads to a pretty good cohesion between all players, no matter from where people come. Everybody gets the chance to prove themselves on the pitch. First, the sport stands in the focus and then you remark that the guy from another country is like all the other people you play with. Sport helps to clear off prejudices and gives a really good option to get foreign friends. Everybody should see it as positive because you can't get faster the possibility to learn something valuable from other cultures.

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Thanks Lea!
I am glad to read that integration is also part of your team and that you share our opinion!
I really like your argument, that sports helps to clear off prejudices. I didn't thought about that aspect until know and I think you are right with your thoughts!


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Yeah, I share your opinion.
Sport is one of the best way to integrate someone.
You don't need a common language or cultures.
You just need a common passion and motivation!

Your blog is awesome. You both have done a good job!
Me with a Vietnamese background know how difficult I can be to integrate in a group. You warmed my heart... This topic is a good idea to pick up the problems with tolerance and integration.
I love you both <3

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Martin you made me smile! :)
It's pretty nice to read, what an effect our entries have!
Thanks for your lovely words :') <3


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Hello Lea and Jana, I am really impressed by all the work that you've done! The kind of work in form of a blog is really great and suitable, so that everyone can comment directly.
I think it is really clever to connect the theme sport with integration.
During our project (Alicia & I) we also interviewed a refugee who continues his passion for sport in Germany.
He traines Karate with German people and thus he improves his language skills and makes a lot of friends.
I agree with your position that especially sports can be a big help to integrate refugees or migrants into our society.

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I also think that sport is a really good opportunity to integrate not only refugees but also everyone. Moreover, the refugee we interviewed for our project is taking part in a sports team and said that he feels very welcomed in a team with only German people. So I support your oppinion that sports make foreigners feel integrated and welcomed and give them the feeling to belong to.

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Preocess on both sides
At first i want to praise the good work you both did.
I share the same opinion like my predecessors. A blog is a great platform to discuss about integration and the connection between it and sports.
There is only one statement in youre feedback which i would like to discuss.
It isn't just important that people also integrate themselfes because i would say it is more likely a both sided process which depends on the reaction of the team towards the beginner as well.
If they show no interest in the welfare of the beginner, he or she has no chance to integrate himself or herself.

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